Elèctrica Visuals is aimed on unique and special experiences based on digital Audiovisual interactive shows or installations.
We focus on user experience and we develope every show as new. We research on human perception and pleasant interaction with color, sound, light and music, using any object, media or surface to convert it in an astonishing other reality…
Our experiences can be adapted to mobile platforms and take advantage of social media
Hola, em dic Callejo…. , Albert Callejo.
Faig art digital i moltes coses més.
podeu escriure un correu digital a
gm@il albertcallejo
o podeu trucar-me a un número resultat de sumar dues vegades el valor:
això sí, amb el prefix +34 davant si truqueu fora d’aquest país.
també podeu anar al meu insta
Que tingueu un bon dia…
Hi, my name is Callejo… Albert Callejo,
I do make digital art and so many other things.
you can write a digital email to
gm@il albertcallejo
or you can call me at a number resulting from adding the value
but with the prefix +34 in front if you are calling outside this country.
or, just check my instagr
Have a good day